This blog serves as an outlet to explore ideas which naturally interest me. I try to keep an informal, back-of-the-napkin style to these posts, hopefully a little like Tom Tango. Posts are grouped by topic in the header, but can be accessed in chronological order below.
This blog is on hiatus as of September 2023, after having accepted a job with the Chicago Blackhawks, where I'll be working as a Data Scientist on their Hockey Analytics team.
Current independent work
I'm building a tennis tracking program, which hopefully will scale to the level where entities (players and ball) can be tracked for entire tournaments. Such a database could prove useful for researchers and players alike, pushing the sport forward.
email: jeremie.spagnolo@gmail.comtwitter: @spazznolo
Posts in Chronological Order
- [ 2023-07-30 ] Tennis Tracker (alpha): US Open W SF 2022
- [ 2023-07-08 ] Goalie Performance: Adjusting for Age
- [ 2023-07-07 ] NHL Draft: Introducing a new NHL drafting strategy
- [ 2023-07-02 ] NHL Draft: An Application of Prospect Pick Probabilities [Part 2]
- [ 2023-06-20 ] NHL Draft: An Application of Prospect Pick Probabilities [Part 1]
- [ 2023-06-16 ] NHL Draft: Deriving pick probabilities from draft rankings
- [ 2023-05-22 ] Goalie Performance: Empirical Bayes Adjusted Save Percentage
- [ 2023-05-17 ] Goalie Performance: Empirical Bayes Save Percentage
- [ 2023-01-15 ] Tennis: Building a framework to track games at scale
- [ 2022-09-16 ] Tennis: A Liveblog
- [ 2022-04-30 ] Post-regulation: Is the overtime random after each shot?
- [ 2022-04-29 ] Post-regulation: Is the overtime random?
- [ 2022-04-26 ] Post-regulation: Measuring the uncertainty caused by the current format
- [ 2022-04-20 ] Post-regulation: How important is it?
- [ 2022-04-07 ] Goalie Consistency: The inter-shot effect using NHL data
- [ 2022-04-02 ] Goalie Consistency: The inter-shot effect on expected standing points
- [ 2022-03-29 ] Goalie Consistency: The inter-game effect on expected standing points
- [ 2022-03-28 ] Goalie Consistency: Does it matter?
- [ 2021-11-28 ] NHL Draft: Assigning pick probabilities from user mock drafts